Well, the answer is yes, I do take photos, BUT I love exploring the outdoors!!
I love the blue skies, golden grass, grays, creams, and pinks you can find in the rocks, the greens of the trees... it is all just perfect. I want you (and your significant other) to join me and explore. Going for a little hike together to find some of the most amazing sites and sceneries around Wyoming and Colorado. While we take our adventure we will have a photo shoot. I mean who doesn't love to explore????
So exploring, a photo shoot, and experiencing something completely unique... what more could you ask for??
The adventure session will take anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours depending on what you choose.
If you are looking for a fun, unique experience with you and your better half... what are you waiting for??
Contact me and let's talk!
]]>There are three reasons we do this one specific "look" at every shoot.
ONE. How often do couples really take the time to pause every day life and look into each others eyes and just appreciate who the other is???
TWO. If they are parents, lets be real, this photo does not capture an every day moment, it is a special moment.
THREE. This photo captures and tells an entire story with no need for a caption, which is exactly what it is suppose to do.
You can feel the happiness, the comfort, the joy, the love. This says every single thing about the relationship without needing a single word.
This "look" is EVERYTHING.
So one day, I was sitting on the couch with my husband chitchatting about our life together and he asked me, "If you could do any job in the world, what would it be?"... That was all too easy from me to answer, with very little hesitation, I replied, "I would love to be a photographer." Now that response came with very little surprise to him since I would take somewhere around two-hundred photos a day of whatever caught my eye... whether it was of him, our children, our puppy, the sky, or even my cup of coffee. Right before this conversation occurred, we found out we would be making our first big move together to a new state for his career and for a new position to him in his career field... He replied to my answer after thinking for a couple seconds and simply said, "Well do it, I know you'll be a great photographer." Seerious Photography was established.
And so here I am... master classes, studying, photographing everything that makes me feel happy. I want all of my photographs to give others the same emotions I feel when I see them. I want all of those emotions to come through the photos without having to add a caption.
My love for photography definitely comes from my mother. Growing up, my mother ALWAYS had a camera attached to her. She took photos of every moment of my sister and I's life. All of the little moments, like playing in the backyard with our sprinkler to prepping for our softball games to getting all glammed up for dances... she captured it all. Looking at those photographs now, I can still feel the giddiness, the excitement, the pure joy of those moments. That is what started the beginning of my love of photography...
My love for photography, specifically capturing those special moments, intensified when I had my own children for a few of reasons...
I want my children to look back on photographs I have taken and be flooded with all of the emotions they felt during that moment like I do with my mother's photographs...
I want to be able to share all of the moments with my family, who are all of the United States...
Sometimes things are just beautiful and I want to be able to look back on the photographs and smile.
So... here I am... doing what I love and capturing moments for my clients that become like family.